May 30, 2006

new pics 2006


Isn't she/He.. pretty ?
Summer is coming...


  1. Thank you rosa :-)
    It was funny..Somebody told me today that she is HE .. and he eats only fresh gourmet food, not just milk and sour cream..
    He is cleaning himself every morning, and everyone is touching his soft fur..

    * My mom is reading your Blog too ;)

  2. Hi, Chanit. Thank you for the compliments. I was lurking on your site too, because of the wonderful recipes...
    Can I ask you something? Why did you prefer to link to the archive? Are they your favourite?

  3. Hi betul and welcome !
    yes, you can ask whatever you want, I can't forget the 'Ay Coregi ' pictures and recipe, WONDERFUL, not less than that.This one +others were on that link..
    Please let me know, if you want me to add another link or change this one.
    Thank you for visiting me ;)


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