September 6, 2006


Paris.. But we're still here ... פריס-פריז
So.. in a few days we''ll be in Paris, we've found a nice hotel to stay near the Eiffel-tower, now I'm looking for good places to eat, everyday in a new and wonderful place all around paris.. the 'Search For' in D.Rogov's forum gave me wonderful links, try this one , just look for 'paris'.. here are some good links :- (I'm sorry, this post looks disorganized , It's true.. ;) - but the busy bee(me) is excited..I've found myself calling Paris for hours, on the weekend, looking for a nice Hotel.. I hope the Hotel is nice more or less , like it looks on his web site :-)

Paris - good links/Rogov's Forum + Paris On The Cheap =where to eat (there are more link there)
Paris - Where to eat :1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 +6
Discover-paris - Here + parisian art discovery + Cole porter's song + Dining in Paris
Paris Yellow Pages + Paris weather + 1
"I love Paris every moment.
Every moment of the year, I love Paris.
Why! Oh why do I love Paris?
Because my love is here..."

- Frank Sinatra
A useful Paris Map + This Map פורום טיולים וחופשות בחו"ל-תפוז-229 זה מס' הפורום הטוב הזה

... Live like a Parisian ?.. [this is the map's link] + Paris Hotels - a useful Link !
We'll come back soon with new recipes and much more , these days are full days at work /learning and thinking about a nice vacation .. please come back, I'm realy very glad to see all of you here ! Thank you 

Paris - My Hebrew Books.. פריז או פריס
Previously Trips...
London 2001 ... Switzerland and Germany 1999... [sorry I have no more pics]
New Links And Recipes:
* A great Blog :" cook almost any thing" , and she knows how ! Haalo's Blog/ Melbourne, Australia
* Women's Fashion Fall 2006 - For Gala גלה זה בשבילך, תלחצי על הכתוב באדום ותהני
* The Splendid Table site - Here + All the recipes
* recipe : Greek Olive Bread
* Bergy's 16 Cookbooks - Here[Mexican Bolillos, Crusty oval rolls] + Supernatural Brownies+ Ciabatta
* The Steel Chef Challenge - Four top chefs devise dinner in 30 minutes from what's on hand ,and the Video is Here
* post-gazette - Multimedia Index !!!


  1. Thank you, we're still here,NO room is available...there ;)
    I'm tired,calling so many hotels in 1 day.. :-)

  2. Enjoy yourself and see you very soon again!

  3. Have a great trip. I am going home for Christmas (outskirts of Paris) and can't try to visit all the new places that have sprung up since I left!
    Enjoy your time off! We'll miss you!

  4. Rosa my dear,
    Thank you , I'll write you soon :-)

    Thank you Helene
    We had a great trip to Paris ;)


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