November 12, 2006

Ricotta Cake עוגת ריקוטה

(Very) Good English and Hebrew Links : לקרוא- ללמוד
* David Grossman's speech קטעים מנאומו של דויד גרוסמן
אמא בשבילך רייקי - רשימת מאמרים מאת דניאל רזינובסקי

אוכל של בנות: על הפרדוקסים של אורנה ואלה- כתבה מאת אייל גרוס
מאת אורנה ואלה:לביבות בטטה של אורנה ואלה
* Color Palette Generator
תשעה סרטים המציגים את תהליך הכנת גבינה צפתית -תודה לחברים מאורט על הקישור
* Free online file conversion לינק שימושי הממיר קבצים לפורמטים מגוונים,טרם נוסה, אך כבר ראיתי
שהקישור זכה להפצה פה* YAHOO FOOD תודה לקולקטיב על קישורים מצויינים* Watch this fun flash

* I love Barilla's Tortellini - ai Formaggi - Yummy !

* Recipe: Maple Butter Tarts with Currants / FoodTV חייבת לנסות מתישהו..
* Thématique : Les desserts au chocolat
*A small sample of the archives of The New York Times - in PDF files
פולימרי און ליין - הכל אודות חומר פולימרי -פימו-הבלוג של אומנית הפימו איריס משלי-מקסים -Polymer Clay+ Making a Clay Rosette by Katia Nye
* How to serve wine - Jancis Robinson, in her site:"Fine writing on fine wines"
* Cornell University Food and Brand Lab
* Ariel Rubinstein-His very personal
GUIDE to Tel Aviv Restaurants and Coffee Places + A Worldwide Guide for Coffee Places by Ariel Rubinstein.

R i c o t t a - C a k e
Italy-Mediterranean Cuisine/KONEMANN For the dough
170 gr sugar
200 gr butter
4 eggs
1 vanilla pod
400 gr bread flour
1 ts baking powder
For the cream200 ml milk
50 gr sugar = 1/4 cup
2 egg yolks
2 TB bread flour (=30 gr)
For the filling300 gr ricotta
70-90 gr sugar
2 egg yolks
3 1/2 TB (=50 gr) bread flour
2 TB (=30 gr) chocolare chips (I use the white )
3 1/2 TB (=50 gr) candied orange peel (I didn't add)
1 pinch cinnamon (I didn't add)
H O WFor the dough: place the sugar and softened butter,cut into piecec, in a bowl and knead thoroughly with the hands.add 1 egg yolk,2 whole eggs,the grated lemon peel,the inside of the vanilla pod,the flour and the baking powder.knead thoroughly and roll into a ball.
For the cream:
heat the milk with the grated lemon peel.combine the sugar,2 egg yolks and the flour in a saucepan until you have a golden-yellow the saucepan on the stove and por in the milk and lemon peel(I didn't add lemon peel..)cook for 10 minutes until thickened,stirring constantly.chill for 1 hour.
For the filling: place the ricotta, sugar,2 egg yolks and flour in a bowl and stir.carefully fold in the prepared cream. add the chocolate chips,finely chopped candied orange peel (and a pinch of cinnamon) mix well.roll out the dough into a circle 1/4 in/4mm thick an line a 10 in/25 cm baking pan with it.cut off any dough above the top edge of the pan and set aside the remaining dough.transfer the filling to the pastry case. roll out the remaining dough and cut into strips.lay the strips on top of the filling in a lattice pattern and brush with egg yolk.bake the cake in the oven for 40 minutes at 350F/180c.leave to cool,then chill.


  1. Thank u!! :)

    Iris Mishly.

  2. איריס, הבלוג שלך מקצועי , מעשיר ומקסים, תודה רבה , וברוכה הבאה
    I love your Blog Iris,you're making wonderful things with the
    Polymer Clay, welcome ! ;)
    הוספתי עוד קישור על הכנת שושנים

  3. Thank you for your visit to my blog Chanit!, if there is any recipe you would like in english from my blog just let me know, I'm sure I can do that, because wow! here you have so many recipes I can understand in english, so at least what I can do for you is translate any recipe you want, because awww your blog rules! and soon you'll see some of your recipes in my blog made, baked and prepared by me thanks to Chanit. I'll let you know very soon because soon I'll try. Best wishes Chanit! :)

  4. Wow, I love your blog. You totally have a new reader!

  5. I love this cake... I usually make a cake that is very similar to this one... I love ricotta.

  6. roberto
    Thank you very much for your kind suggestion ! You have there so many yummy things, it was my pleasure to visit you - a whole Blog in ONE night ..! I'll write you later, thanks ! :-)

  7. home cook,
    Thank you for your comment and Welcome ! :-)

  8. Thank you very much for the helpful links! I'm headed to Tel Aviv in a few weeks and as a coffee addict definitely appreciate those guides to coffee places. Todah rabah.

    Ari (Baking and Books)

  9. orchidea Hi !
    The ricotta - vanilla cake was a 'success' in my family, my father wants the recipe very soon..! I'll be glad to read your recipe for this cake, I'll write the full recipe this weekend, thanks for your comment :-)

  10. Ari welcome !
    Please let me know if any advise is needed,
    I hope you'll enjoy your visit here
    Thank you ;)


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