December 8, 2006

Friday Market שוק של יום שישי- תמונות 2006

Friday Market
Moshav's fruits (I was born in a moshav here in Israel),flowers, toys,green olives, tons of clementines (where are the oranges?..),red grapes (in december? !)and a plastic Santa.. it was a nice day full sun , here in town, again -friday the market day.. we realy need some rain here in Israel it's a strange winter ... :-)כתום זה צבע מביא מזל ,דאגו ללבוש או להתאבזר עם משהו כתום

Uri's home-made green olives - yummy !
Friday Market


  1. Hey...what's Santa doin' there?? lol

  2. I've never seen a real Santa..a small one like this- made of plastic is not a good substitute..
    I think the Russian community here will buy him..thanks Jeff :-)


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