January 1, 2007

I feel something good in the air...after few days of rain and very cold days ,here in Israel, today - the 1.1.2007, in my first post this year, the rain stoped, It's like cold spring outside, the sun is everywhere, after some dark days.. I love it this way..I'll start my new year and my morning ,with a very large Bagel, I didn't bake him... made in Haifa , thanks to Ran, the Bagel is fine - I'm eating it without nothing ... and yes, I'll come soon.. :-)

above: - 1.1.2007 17:37 - afternoon [near IKEA] and 29 minutes later...

Things I like to read Today:* Making Wine: Yeast
* I will bake these Saffron Buns - soon (I realy can't wait)or the original recipe for this: "Daniel's Saffron Bread"(It's more like a cake) - *"breadnerd" from the fresh loaf has a small survey for every reader..
* listen to .. frogs -sounds,not more -
* What kind of Unit Conversion would you like to do? ממיר מידות שונות
* ניבים, מטבעות-לשון ופתגמים - *Make Instant Tuna Spread ממרח טונה טעים * How to make
Fried Onion Rings (with beer)- *"28 Cooks " - is the name of her Blog,It's her age too.. come and visit chirstiane's Blog -בלוג * A king arthur flour recipe for 'Cookie Cut-Outs' (with Fiori di Sicilia ! ?or vanilla or almond extract) עוגיות חיתוך- * It's cold there at vlad's studio..but he make nice wallpapers (+ Tutorials) and much more.[above is Gal's fairy -she'll get it in 19 days..one of her presents ..) - * Hot Chocolate Mini Bites -a step by step recipe..- * a new recipe :Pepperoni Muffin Bites /family fun מאפינס פפרוני
למי ששילם את האגרה,מותר לצפות בטלויזיה ,אם אינכם בטוחים שהילדים יאכלו את הביצה הקשה, נסו את זה,ואתר 441 חזר לפעול ,צריכים השתמשו
I was glad today to see Angela's Blog : A spoonful of sugar is back ,and she has a cute baby !- Congratulations to the happy family!-I love her Blog .


  1. Happy New Year!

  2. Those pictures are SO beautiful!

  3. Nice pictures!

    Happy New Year 2007! May this year bring you joy and happiness!!!

  4. !!IKEA וואלה, יש לכם

  5. ulrike
    I wish you the best - thank you !

    Thanks ;-)

    Thanks ! I wish you all the best ;)

    Yes, only one IKEA in Israel..
    יש איקאה אחד, וממש לא רחוק
    אני אוהבת לשתות שם את המיץ טבעי, מלא קלוריות וטעם, תודה :-)


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