July 10, 2007

Hamburger Buns לחמניות המבורגר נפלאות
Eating my Hungarian salami- Herz, with Rose Levy Beranbaum's Hamburger buns..
Few days ago after my parents came back from Hungary, I wrote about that wonderful salami I'vd got ("..and the "
original ungarische salami" - Herz, which I can eat without bread at all ..) , But I can eat it with a big big Hamburger bun -[<-- span=""> this recipe can be easyly printed] isn't it a great Idea ? .. :-)
Some of the interesting recipes are found by mistake, even this one.So , after I've got a mail with another buns recipe, I looked in google for more information and get the washingtonpost site,that mighty-appetite Blog (now I have what to read ! ), as written there .." Wanna blow your guests away? Make your own buns. Seriously. It's not too late, if you've got a few free hours today, and it's not hard at all. Inspired by pastry guru Rose Levy Beranbaum " I made this recipe <-- span="" style="color: #999999;">not the other " Sesame Burger BunsFrom "The Bread Bible" by Beth Hensperger".] The dough and the buns are wonderful,long risings, usuing whole-wheat flour , honey, olive oil ,good things. Baking time in my oven was 20 minutes at all.make them and you'll get half soft XL size buns for hamburger or any sandwich you'll like . I hope you will love these buns as we do ! :-)

Beranbaum's Best Buns - The recipe /The Washington Post,I found the recipe in the Blog A Mighty-Appetite -Washington post

לחמניות המבורגר ,ולא רק להמבורגר מצויינות, מכילות מלבד קמח רגיל, גם מעט קמח מלא, דבש, שמן זית.מתכון -פה, התפחות מאוד ארוכות. מתקבלות שמונה לחמניות ענק.הוספתי לבצק זרעוני חמניה ושומשום. מומלץ לאפות 20 דקות. בתאבון


  1. That sounds great...the bun can make or break a good hamburger!

  2. Hey Chanit!
    These last recipes you have are just spectacular! I'll definitely have to try the buns and the grissini. :) I'll let you know how it goes!!
    Take care

  3. Thank you meeso,
    It was realy a hit in my family :-)

  4. Thank you Marta
    I'm waiting to hear from you ! :-)


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