July 24, 2007

From me to youגם צביעה על עץ

Yulia send me yesterday some wonderful photos of her mother's Artwork: Creative Cakes;It wasn't easy to choose only one picture.. because I love them all.. here is the baby cake in pastel pink.
* Marylaine.Com send me (in the weekly newsletter)a nice link(I didn't try it yet but I like the Idea)Learn how to make your photos into coloring pages ,"A tutorial on how to use Photoshop to turn your family photos into a coloring book " and much more,here is the link
New in our Blog:
* my del.icio.us - updated on a daily base
* We have now a new background color, not white anymore,do you like it?
* A new recipe Index was born this week:5 Recipe Index for:Breads,Buns and Rolls,Cookies and Bar Recipes,Cakes and the fifth Index:Sweet & Salty Recipes-you just need to click on the small picture under the Index name, then you'll get a new window with all the recipes; I hope this helps.PLS let me know if something doesn't work.
To you, my dear visitor and reader,
I want to thank you for coming back and visiting my Blog ,I'm Sorry for my late reply here in your comments and by mail.I'll be with you shortly :-)

I'm trying to bake more healthy Breads and Rolls at home, by using more whole wheat flour , even I like the taste of white Breads (with bread flour)sometimes, richer doughs; Few days ago, I've found a new rolls recipe:Italian Wheat Rolls, which seem to be healthy rolls..anyway,It was a must to add more and more flour ,the dough was too sticky..but finally I've got 24 brown and soft rolls,I add only 1 TB sugar to the dough and it was good enough..
It's so warm here, so it's no easy to stay in your kitchen, close to the oven at night, for few hours.. yes, that's what I did..
Making it more easy I've baked
Sigal's Maple Cake, mixing eveything by hand, in one bowl..after a quick baking ,then pouring maple syrup above the baked cake..and yes you get a soft-sweet cake for your guests.
It was my first try with Filo pastry today, and it was so easy.So, now, I'm not afraid anymore ..and I'll keep playing with this pastry.This Cheese-filled cake is the Bougatsa cake,the jewish version, from a Cookbook I love very much:Sephardic Flavors by Joyce Goldstein; The cake is made of 5+5 Filo sheets, and the filling is made of cream cheese,sugar, eggs and vanilla.easy to make and a nice cake.

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