February 19, 2008

My Favorites for this week

No ,as far as I know, we can't buy King Arthur Flour(and products) here in Israel (and I'm asking:why not??)
But: when I'm looking for an exact and successful result recipe I love to check and use their recipes for years .I've Enjoyed to find out King Arthur's Blog (4 months old)just few week ago.
So many tasty recipes, step-by-step pictures, yummy pastry dishes !
you will find there new techniques and formulating new recipes in their test kitchen .
And as written in the "About the Bakers’ Banter blog…" This blog is a reflection of the lives we lead here at King Arthur. Now, come into our kitchen… [and I came in..]
On left : from their Blog :
Spinach quiche: a miracle in the making
הבלוג של יצרנית הקמחים האמריקאית:קינג ארתור:שפע מתכונים מעניינים, תמונות, רעיונות למאפים טעימים ועוד יותר מזה

2. Vanielje Kitchen -
She was born into a heat hazed African dawn,you can find many influences in her kitchen : French, English, Dutch, Malay & African. Vanielje 's Blog is a piece of Artwork
Visit her Gallery , her archive or her recipe Index:by Category or month
On left: her Strawberry Cream Pancakes with Vanielje Cream and Eau de Vie Syrup -get into the link pleaseYes, she fed my mind, body and soul !
בלוג אוכל- אומנות הצילום בצלחת-אל תפספסו

3. Got no milk-
kitchenetta's dairy-free zone Blog is now 5 months old..
As she writes:.."For several years, I yearned and mourned for my milken delights, no longer mine to savor and enjoy! ... I began finding ways to satisfy my dairy urges, as I have come to call them.."

Her blog has many lactose free recipes , lactose free sites and much more.
On left: her Pignolettas: an Italian cookie coated with pine nuts !בלוג שלם המוקדש לרגישים ללקטוז- כמו הכותבת עצמה,שפע מתכונים ורעיונות שלא ניכר בם שאינם כוללים מוצרי חלב כלל

4. Room for dessert -
Miri is a young woman who lives in Israel with her husband.

As she writes in her new born Blog :"..I’m a software engineer during the days, and dream of becoming a professional baker most of the time."[I work in another job but has the same dream as miri's..]
I like her Blog and her Blog name ,as she writes .."The name of the blog was born almost instinctively, me being a foodie that always, no matter how much food she had eaten in previous courses, will always, always have a little room for dessert.." [yes, me too ! ;-) ]
Her Blog is written in English with nice pics .And yes..like me she comes from a Romanian family ..
On left: Her Nutella filled rolled cookies [pic and recipe] 


  1. Dear Chanit, you're so sweet to recommend my blog, thanks sooo much! Your post made me really happy this morning!

  2. Lovely recipes Chanit. Thanks for the link. Viji

  3. I love the KING ARTHUR FLOUR cookbooks and the site...



  4. Our blog is reviewing King Arthur Flour! I didn't know they came out with their own blog. Cool! Love your blog by the way, it makes me want to practice my hebrew: "Ani ohevet et ha blog shelach (or shelcha for girl?)" :)

  5. Wow, thanks so much for the mention!

    Isn't it amazing that people who share a love of good food and cooking can share with each other from all corners of the world? Continued success to you in your endeavors and delicious recipes (and photos!)

  6. הי מירי, בשמחה
    סוף שבוע נפלא :-)

  7. Dear Rosa,

    Thank you, I think they are great sources for bakers.. :)

  8. Dear Hillary

    I love your Blog too , thank you !

    and yes... you wrote it perfectly- these hebrew words ;)

    *you can practice your hebrew with me, anytime *

  9. Dear kitchenetta ,

    You're Welcome !

    your wonderful Blog will later be in my favorites list(in the Blog too ) :)
    keep on the good work and thanks for your comment :)


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