May 7, 2008

Israel Independence Day - Yom Ha'atzmaut 60

Israel Independence Day - Yom Ha'atzmaut 60 יום העצמאות

Made in Israel: תוצרת ישראלית
1 .Ethnicware - Israeli artists אומנות אתנית ישראלית

As written in their site "Ethnicware Limited was created with a view to offering and selling to overseas markets a wide range of home furnishings, hand-crafted in Israel by the diverse ethnic groups and religious factions living together in this country..."..." Israeli artists – Ethiopian Jews, Caucasian Jews, Israeli born Zabars, Israeli Arabs, Bedouins" -I love it !

2. MB=Monkey Business

"Babyface" is one of the kids stuff made by MB=Monkey Business ,Tel Aviv Israel
As written in their site:"..Monkey Business has been designing fun & functional products since 1994.
Providing original perspectives on the little things that make up your day.."
I've found on their site : humorous, beauty and originality and style.
דיברתי עם נציג מהחברה השבוע, ניתן ליצור עימם קשר טלפוני לגבי מקומות רכישה -ברשת/חנויות המשווקות את הפריטים המקסימים

3.The most Israeli vallet - pita pocket - here , by Anat Safran
 Hatikva - Francky Perez


  1. Happy Independance day,Chanit !


  2. Hi Viviane and Thank you
    Happy Independance day to you too ! :)

  3. Happy Independence Day (sorry I'm late)


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