December 10, 2005

The Winter Is Late ...2005 *

Winter is coming...

Frank’s Gumbo Z’Herbes Recipe - Here
Nice gift tags are
Four Seasons Santa CookiesSweet Jazmines Gingerbread Cookies
Almond & Chocolate Christmas Log/ Ruth Pretty

Byte Size:
Glazing Ham /Andrew Emery
Childhood Memories [D.Rogov- Great food- forum in English]
The Silver Spoon Book - here are 3 more Recipes

Snow Caps - here
gingerbread baby recipe + Icing
gingerbread baby house
jamfaced Blog - Here
Steak Diane Recipe - Here
Latte art- Here , Food411 - Here
Cappuccino Cheesecake - Recipe
For kids : Decorating with Paper Snowflakes
"Geschenke aus der Küche-Von Genießern für Genießer"
greenandblacks - with recipes
North Italy Recipes
"Dishes celebrate Hanukkah's miracle of the oil/December 15, 2005/Sally Kalson, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette"
"Bilbao bar-hopping reveals pinchos, the perfect party food/ December 15, 2005/Marlene Parrish"


  1. Chanit, I have a question for you. I was recently in Israel and am looking for a recipe for something I had for lunch one day. It was similar to falafel, but it was made with turkey. It was eaten in a pita. Do you have any idea what this was or a recipe for it? Thank you.

  2. Hi,
    Can you write me more.. where did you eat this one?.
    sorry, I can't help ;)


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