May 20, 2006

Basbousa - Semolina Cake

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Basbousa - Semolina Cake-MIDDLE EASTERN HOME COOKING/Tess Mallos 
בסבוסה-עוגת סולת
As I love semolina, I have to try every new recipe which has semolina in...
I've baked some other 'Basbousa' cakes with or without flour, with oil.. some were too sweet, other were round.. if you have soft butter you can make this cake in few minutes.
This recipe came from Egypt, and there are other versions all around here..
I add only half of the syrup, couse we don't like it too sweet.. here comes the recipe :
1/2 cup (125 gr butter) soft3/4 cup (150gr) superfine(caster) sugar
1 ts vanilla
2 eggs
2 cups (300gr) fine semolina
1 ts baking powder
1/2 ts baking soda
3/4 cup (180gr) plain yogurt
blanched almonds,preferable halved
syrup - [ I use half = 1 cup sugar+3/4 cup water+lemon juice]
2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups water
1 TB lemon juice
Preheat oven to 350F (180C)
In a bowl, cream butter,sugar and vanilla until light and fluffy.
Add eggs,one at a time,beating well after each addition.Sift semolina,baking powder and baking soda, fold into butter mixture alternatly with yogurt.
Spread batter into a greased 8X12 inch (20 X 30 cm) cake pan.(evenly arrange almonds on top in that when cake is cut, an almond will be centered on each piece=4 across width and 7 along length)
Bake until top springs back when pressed, 30-35 minutes.
Meanwhile, to make the syrup, place sugar and water in a heavy saucepan. cook over medium heat, stirring accasionally, until sugar is dissolved. add lemon juice and brind to a boil. boil rapidly for 10 minutes, then cool by standind in cold water. (As I wrote before.. I prepared half syrup and cook it in advance so.. it was cool)
Spoon cooled syrup over hot cake.Cool thoroughly and cut into diamond shape or squares (like mine..) to serve.
Garnish with whipped cream if desired.

Semolina recipe - Thanks to Küchenlatein I love your Blog

I have to try this


  1. Chanit,
    A lovely simple recipe. Am going to try it!
    Btw, can you update the link of my blog in your blogroll?

  2. When can I expect the full recipe?

  3. Chanit,

    These look so good. Please post the full recipe. Can't wait to try this.

  4. Jeff -
    yes only half, I realy can't put SO much sugar in 1 cake..


    sailaja , long time dear ..
    The full recipe is here as you can see, and thanks I'll update the link soon ! :)


    krithika hi !
    Thank you , the recipe is here.. ;)


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