Kalitsounia טרטלטים של גבינה מכרתים
based on "Islands Of The Mediterranean"/koenemann, like these cookies , but with a few changes.
These delicious small tarts (30) are traditionlly baked in Crete; the filling is sweetend cheese ,which in Crete is often made at home. "Klitsounia are usually shaped like small,pointed crowns...also known as lychnarakia -the last recipe(little oil lamps), due to their resemblance to ancient, open oil burners.." ; this pastry is made with olive oil and butter, but there are other versions without butter.you have to be patient with this dough by kneading it by your hand for few minutes, the dough is yellow and not very soft (in some other recipes ground coriander or mastic is added). The original recipe uses myzithra cheese, I realy do not have this one here.. so a good substitute is ricotta. (or brousse cheese ) I used ricotta mixed with white dry cheese ;650-700 gr cheese was enough for 30 small tarts, it was written to use 2 1/4 lb=1 kg cheese, but maybe this is the quantityneeded when you use the original cheese; The cheese can be flavored with vanilla sugar, fresh mint or cinnamon or honey (I added vanilla) ;.." on Crete , the Kalitsounia are often stored in boxes with layers of dried orange or lemon leaves above and below.this gives the cakes a subtle aroma of citrus fruits.."
Kalitsounia - the recipe
For the pastry:
600 gr AP flour
5 gr dried yeast (=1 ts)
150 gr sugar
75 gr butter
80 ml olive oil (=1/3 cup)
3 eggs
For the filling:
2 1/4 lb (1 kg) fresh myzithra cheese (I used 650-700 gr ricotta mixed with white dry Israeli cheese)
1 egg
150 gr sugar
1 ts (=5 gr) cinnamon (I didn't add)
First make the pastry:
Place the flour in a bowl, make a well in the center and add:yeast,sugar,slices of butter,olive oil and 3 eggs.
Mix toghther with the tips of the fingers until you get a smooth, well mixed pastry.Squeeze it all together to make a ball and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface until it is 1/4 inch thick. with 9 cm tart cutter (or with a cup like I did..) cut out pastry circles. Preheat the oven to 320F= 160 C.
Mix toghther with the tips of the fingers until you get a smooth, well mixed pastry.Squeeze it all together to make a ball and leave to rest for 30 minutes. Roll out the pastry on a floured surface until it is 1/4 inch thick. with 9 cm tart cutter (or with a cup like I did..) cut out pastry circles. Preheat the oven to 320F= 160 C.
To make the filling :
Put the cheese into a bowl with the egg,sugar and ground cinnamon (I didn't add cinnamon) mix well . Put a teaspoonful of filling in the center of each piece of pastry. Pinch the edges of the pastry together around the filling , giving the cakes a crown-like appearance. arrange them on a baking sheet .Brush them with egg yolk (I didn't brush them..) and bake for 30 minutes at 320-340F (160-170C)
הערות: הטרטלטים ממולאים עם גבינה לבנה, אופיניים לאיים היווניים ובמיוחד בכרתים.המתכון טעים ,לתשונת לבכם-יש לערבל את חומרי הבצק מספר דקות עד לאיחודם וקבלת בצק מוצק אחיד וצהבהב.התהליך טיפה אורך זמן ,אבל עם כל עירבוב גרגירי הבצק גדלים.. עד שהם הופכים לכדור בצק אחד גדול.יש שימוש בשמרים בבצק אבל זה מעין בצק שמרים פריך ועשיר בשמן זית וחמאה.התוצאה פריכה ופחות מזכירה בצק שמרים.השתמשתי בריקוטה מעורבת בגבינת טוב טעם,הכמות הכוללת של הגבינה לשלושים עוגות קטנות ,כ-600 גרם, אז נותרה לי גבינה, כי קניתי קילו ויש מקום וטעם לסיבוב נוסף - בתאבוןbefore baking ...
Cinnamon Cardamom Buns by Tessa Kiros- thanks to Moira Blog Bun dough
250 ml (1 cup) TEPID MILK
100 g (3 1/2 oz.)CASTER (SUPERFINE) SUGAR
1 EGG, lightly beaten
125 g (4 1/2 oz.) BUTTER, softened
1 tsp. SALT
650 g (5 1/4 cups) CAKE FLOUR OR PLAIN (ALL-PURPOSE) FLOURcinnamon butter2 tsp. GROUND CINNAMON
50 g (1 3/4 oz.) CASTER (SUPERFINE) SUGAR, PLUS 1 TBSP. for sprinkling
80 g (2 3/4 oz.) BUTTER, softened
1 egg, lightly beaten
Put the milk and sugar in a bowl and crumble in the yeast. Leave for 10 minutes, or until the yeast begins to activate. Add the egg, butter, cardamom and salt and mix in. Add the flour, bit by bit, mixing it in with a wooden spoon until you need to use your hands, and then turn it out onto the work surface to knead. It may seem a little too sticky initially, but will become compact and beautifully soft after about 5 minutes. Put the dough back in the bowl, cover with a clean cloth and then a heavy towel or blanket, and leave in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until it has doubled in size.Full recipe -they're similar to these.
2 Layer Brownies חומיות עם שיבולת שועל
First layer:
1/2 cup flour --- 1/4 ts baking soda
1/8 ts salt -- 1 cup quick cooking Oats
1/2 cup brown sugar (or white..) -- 100 gr butter, melted
Second Layer:
30 gr chocolate -- 50 gr butter, melted
3/4 cup sugar -- 1 egg
2/3 cup flour -- 1/4 ts baking powder
1/8 ts salt -- 1/4 cup milk
1/2 ts vanila -- 1/2 cup nuts

17 X 24 cm baking dish
Preheat oven to 350H (180c)For the first layer:Mix:flour, baking soda and salt ; add quick cooking Oats and sugar ; add the melted butter and mix well.flatten this mixture on the baking dish and bake for 10 minutes (350F)
For the second layer:
Melt chocolate and butter, let them cool for a minute; add sugar and egg and mix well. Sift the flour +baking powder-add the salt ; .add the flour mixture alternately with the milk and vanilla to the chocolate mixture; add the nuts. spread the chocolate mixture above the baked first layer, bake for 25-27 minutes . based on this Hebrew recipe.
Makes 16 brownies .
Yud -yudit is making a cake for her dad's bitrhday ,in Hanukkah, she writes(in hebrew)that the cake is eatable and made of a crispy dough, I think it's very pretty ! יהודית,אני מעריצה את כשרונך
Brownies - Basic Brownies Hebrew recipe בראוניז


250 ml (1 cup) TEPID MILK
100 g (3 1/2 oz.)CASTER (SUPERFINE) SUGAR
1 EGG, lightly beaten
125 g (4 1/2 oz.) BUTTER, softened
1 tsp. SALT
650 g (5 1/4 cups) CAKE FLOUR OR PLAIN (ALL-PURPOSE) FLOURcinnamon butter2 tsp. GROUND CINNAMON
50 g (1 3/4 oz.) CASTER (SUPERFINE) SUGAR, PLUS 1 TBSP. for sprinkling
80 g (2 3/4 oz.) BUTTER, softened
1 egg, lightly beaten
Put the milk and sugar in a bowl and crumble in the yeast. Leave for 10 minutes, or until the yeast begins to activate. Add the egg, butter, cardamom and salt and mix in. Add the flour, bit by bit, mixing it in with a wooden spoon until you need to use your hands, and then turn it out onto the work surface to knead. It may seem a little too sticky initially, but will become compact and beautifully soft after about 5 minutes. Put the dough back in the bowl, cover with a clean cloth and then a heavy towel or blanket, and leave in a warm place for about 2 hours, or until it has doubled in size.Full recipe -they're similar to these.
adding Cardamom to the dough..(I didn't use this spice before)
Baking For The Holidays - 3
2 Layer Brownies חומיות עם שיבולת שועל
First layer:
1/2 cup flour --- 1/4 ts baking soda
1/8 ts salt -- 1 cup quick cooking Oats
1/2 cup brown sugar (or white..) -- 100 gr butter, melted
Second Layer:
30 gr chocolate -- 50 gr butter, melted
3/4 cup sugar -- 1 egg
2/3 cup flour -- 1/4 ts baking powder
1/8 ts salt -- 1/4 cup milk
1/2 ts vanila -- 1/2 cup nuts
Baking For The Holidays - 4

17 X 24 cm baking dish
Preheat oven to 350H (180c)For the first layer:Mix:flour, baking soda and salt ; add quick cooking Oats and sugar ; add the melted butter and mix well.flatten this mixture on the baking dish and bake for 10 minutes (350F)
For the second layer:
Melt chocolate and butter, let them cool for a minute; add sugar and egg and mix well. Sift the flour +baking powder-add the salt ; .add the flour mixture alternately with the milk and vanilla to the chocolate mixture; add the nuts. spread the chocolate mixture above the baked first layer, bake for 25-27 minutes . based on this Hebrew recipe.
Makes 16 brownies .
Yud -yudit is making a cake for her dad's bitrhday ,in Hanukkah, she writes(in hebrew)that the cake is eatable and made of a crispy dough, I think it's very pretty ! יהודית,אני מעריצה את כשרונך
חג חנוכה שמח ולכל האוהבים האזינו לאהבה בת 20 של יוסי בנאי
Trilevel Brownies - recipe3 ounces unsweetened chocolate, chopped =100 gr
8 tablespoons (1 stick) unsalted butter, cut into chunks =120 gr
1 cup sugar
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 large eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
1.Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line 8-inch baking dish with foil .(I use 17X24 cm baking dish)
2. Melt chocolate and butter in small , stirring occasionally to combine. Cool mixture for several minutes.
3. Whisk sugar, baking powder, salt, eggs, and vanilla together in medium bowl until combined, about 15 seconds. Whisk in chocolate mixture until smooth. Stir in flour until no streaks of flour remain. Scrape batter evenly into prepared pan.Bake until toothpick inserted halfway between edge and center of pan comes out clean, 22 to 27 minutes. Cool brownies on wire rack to room temperature, now you can eat them..
Makes 12 - 16 brownies.
gorgeous, chanit.
ReplyDeletemy friend's mom makes kalitsounia; they are delicious. אני מכנה אותם תכף ומיד
הם מזכירים לי אוזני המן כמעט
הכל באמת מושלם חמודתי, את שמה כל כך הרבה בפוסטים שלך--זה מצויין
חג שמח ותודה על מתכונים נהדרים
Thank you !
ReplyDeleteThes are my first kalitsounia , this Cookbook has many yummy recipes !
נתתי כמעט את כל העוגות, מלבד כמה דוגמאות שנשארו בפריזר
הטרטלטים עם הגבינה זכו להצלחה וכבר ביקשו שידור חוזר, ומכיון שנשאר מהמילוי גבינה אולי אכין עוד..האמת לאחר תבנית אחת לומדים את הטכניקה של סגירת הבצק על הגבינה, כך שבתבנית השניה הם התקבלו יפים עוד יותר, מזכירים לי גם אוזני המן
תודה רבה וחג שמח
אגב המתוקים שלך נפלאים,אתה תמיד מכין מטעמים שאני לא מכירה ו.. אם נשאר משהו אתה יודע לאן לשלוח אותם
חנית חג שמח
ReplyDeleteיופי של דברים אפית לחג אהבתי את מנורות השמן הקטנות
לחמניות הקינמון מוצלחות , נכון?
מקווה שהתגובה תעבור הפעם
ביי יקירתי
הי סימונה חג שמח
ReplyDeleteתודה, מנורות השמן- מתכון מעניין וקל יותר להכנה מאשר נראה אולי,שמתי לב אגב שכשאני מסובבת את עיגול הבצק הממולא גבינה סביב סביב יותר קל ויפה ליצור את הקיפולים הקטנים,תודה על איזכור לחמניות הקינמון ! היה כייף להכינן לאחר המלצתך, שימוש ראשון שלי בהל טחון ואל תספרי לאף אחד.. לא הרגשתי אותו בבצק, אבל הלחמניות עשירות בחמאה כך שנשמרו טוב גם למחרת ללא הקפאה והיו יפות להגשה, אז שוב תודה. מקוה ששמת לב עד כמה אני משתמשת בפטנט שלך לרידוד בצק על משטח סיליקון- רעיון גדול שמונע הדבקת הבצק וגם מונע קימוח יתר, גם כרגע, הכנתי בצק קצח מלוח ורודד יפה על הסיליקון.קיבלתי גם את תגובתך הקודמת, מקוה שמערכת התגובות לא בעייתית, כי כייף לקבל את תגובותייך, שבת שלום
Hi Chanit!
ReplyDeleteI am from Crete and I was so surprised to see the recipe of kalitsounia in your blog!!! Obvioulsy I do not understand the comments of your fans, but I am sure they are enthousiastic. You adapted the recipe in an excellent way! Ricotta cheede is the perfect substitute. Now, you would maybe be interested to know that there is another version of kaltsiounia: The pastry used in this case is similar to a brioche pastry, but using mastiha and other spices to intensify flavour.
Thanks for your blog. It's great!
Dear Heleni ,
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see you here, thank you so much,
Yes ,I'll be thankful for any recipe or idea for the kaltsiounia or any other recipe you can share with me and with all of my readers :-)
You are W E L C O M E !