July 4, 2007

הונגרי זה הכי Walnut and Poppy Seed Rolls From Hungary - Makos-dios beigli

Walnut and Poppy Seed Rolls From Hungary - Makos-dios beigli

Please ! don't eat all the nut filling ...
It's a sweet Hungarian week at my kitchen, after baking 2 new and very tasty
Hungarian cakes from my new Cookbook, I knew what will be the next cake..the popular nut and poppy seed yeast rolls.yes, this is the old recipe, which is very good too, but I love new and authentic recipes,with few changes, you get a new creation every time. So, I got freshly ground nuts and Poppy seed, the Cookbook, and all the rest.. ; this recipe is based (with a change) on the Cookbook: Classical Hungarian sweets and cakes by Boldizsar Horvath, many sweet recipes but not a profession Cookbook.I think you need some experience in baking with this Cookbook,even there is something with the proof reading/the translation , the cakes are 100% ! [my father wants to take another trip to Budapest to buy me more Hungarian Cookbooks]..
This yeast dough is a quick one, no need for hours to let it rise, in some versions you bake the filled dough immediately, in another version you have to chill the dough for a short time.I use less sugar and fat than is needed in the original recipe , and it's still sweet.

Cool the fillings before spreading it ;And yes, the nut and poppy seed filling is very good,it can be eaten without the cake too.. :-)
Walnut and Poppy Seed Rolls From Hungary - Makos-dios beigli

For 4 rolls
For the dough:
500-600 gr AP flour
200 gr butter, softened
3 eggs
18 gr fresh yeast
1/3 cup milk
1 TB confectioner's sugar
2/3 cup sour cream (=140 gr)
pinch of salt
1 egg yolk+1 egg white for glazing)
For the walnut filling:
280-300 gr ground walnuts
150 gr sugar ( in the book:196 gr)
1/4 cup milk
1 ts vanilla, grated lemon peel
56 gr raisins soaked in rum or (hot water)
1 green grated apple
For the poppy seed filling:
224 gr poppy seeds
150 gr sugar ( in the book:196 gr)
juice and grated peel of 1 lemon
1 TB butter
1/2 cup liquid (mix milk and water)
1 green grated apple
Combine 500gr flour+butter, make a small well in the center:add the yeast mixed into lukewarm milk and the 1 TB sugar, wait until rises ,2-3 minutes.

Add the eggs ,sour cream,salt and combine to a soft dough(add more 70-100 gr flour if needed).Divide the dough into 4, place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.To prepare the filling (the same way): add the sugar to the milkqwater mixture,bring to the boil, then add the other ingredients, mix all the time and cook over a very low flame for 4-5 minutes (when cooking the poppy seed filling, add the appleonly 2-3 minutes before the filling is ready.
Roll out the dough (each part) to a rectangular shape, not too thin, spread the cooled filling over it, leaving an inch all around the edges.
Roll up the dough from the longer side, press together.
place in a large baking tin, brush the top with egg yolk and let stand for few minutes, then brush with egg white. let the rolls rest a couple of minutes, again; pierce the rolls in a couple of places.
Place in a preheated oven , 350F (180c)and bake until golden brown 35-40 minutes.Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar.

Projet de français : Charles Aznavour, La Bohème

Chanita Harel© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו התפרסם היום בבלוג האוכל של חניתה הראל ורן This content belongs to Chanita Harel at My Mom’s Recipes And More. All writing and photography copyright © 2005-2010 unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.http://momsrecipesandmore.blogspot.com


  1. I have already bookmarked the bejgli post Chanit. This is another one reminder for me to make it soon. So tempting it is. Though i don't have anyone (kids) here to eat, still i am going to try this one. Viji

  2. Thank you so much viji, my dear
    It's Ok to put some cake in the freezer or to give away or to make only half cake ...
    please let me know after you bake it, did you like it ? ;-)
    (the last piece of cake was eaten here)

  3. I just bought poppy seeds last week because my Husband wanted just this. Thank you for sharing and I can't wait to try this.

  4. I love poppy seed roll! However, it might be something you have to grow up eating to appreciate. When I've brought it to share at parties, people have been 1) surprised the filling was not chocolate and 2) a bit put off by the poppy seed flavor.

    More for me...

  5. Dear Shayne
    Thanks for visiting,
    I hope you and your family love this cake ! :)

  6. Dear Beatrice
    Thanks for visiting ,
    I'm a poppy seed lover too !
    Yes ,sure ,not every dark cake filling is made of chocolate ;)


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