Here we come again with a wonderful family recipe .My mom bakes malai cakes for many years . Her Malai Cake recipe is a Winner recipe ! we know there were some malai versions around the world... and we think this one is the is the Best .Thank you Mom again for this Great recipe !
This cake is full with sour cream, hot milk.. butter..and cornmeal.
Malai Recipe
2 cups cornmeal [maize semolina]= 300 gr
2 cups all-purpose flour =280 gr
2 ts baking powder = 8 gr
1/2 ts salt
200 ml sour cream 15% fat
250+250 soft white cheese [5%-9% fat]or sour cream
4 large eggs
1 liter milk
150 gr butter
1 1/2 cups white sugar =300 gr or 250gr
1 ts vanilla
9 X 13 pan
H O W:
Preheat your oven to 170C.
1.Boil the milk.Turn off the heat, add the butter and mix until it melts.
2.Mix the 2 flours in a large bowl.
3.Pour over (quickly) the boild milk and butter mixture and mix well .
4.Now add sugar, sour cream, 250 gr cheese , vanilla and the eggs.
5.Add the baking powder and salt at the end and mix well.
6.Pour the mixture into the pan. put full TB of the 250 gr cheese (or sour cream)over the mixture.
7.Bake for 60- 75 minutes or until the cake is golden brown.
You can eat the Malai cake like a cake.
Best eaten warm and fresh from the oven .
It's tasty cold Too !
Keep it till 1 week in the fridge.
Take a look into my (Italian) oven:
Chanita Harel© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו התפרסם היום בבלוג האוכל של חניתה הראל ורן This content belongs to Chanita Harel at My Mom’s Recipes And More. All writing and photography copyright © 2005-2012 unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.
I've never seen a cake recipe like this, but it looks great. All that dairy makes me want to try this for Shavuot.
היי חניתה, העוגה נראית נהדרת! באיזו גבינה השתמשת לעיגולים למעלה? איך זה שהם לא נמסו? :)
רועי היי, גבינה לבנה רגילה 5 או 9 אחוזי שומן. לא היתה לי מספיק גבינה אז חלק מהעיגולים זה שמנת חמוצה , אבל אל תגלה... בבלוג הנוסף שלי לימון ג'ינג'ר יש מתכון בעברית.. תודה
I am amazed by your recipes, they all look absolutely delicious.
Right now I have all the ingredients that this recipe requires, so I'm off, in my kitchen, baking your mom's malai cake :)
Is this a traditional jewish recipe? or where does it come from?
this is a Romanian recipe - "Mălai" is mais from corn, "mămăliga" is another product of it ;)
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