Our new pears jam has a wonderful and special taste and color.
The jam requires a little advance preparation and is special, (very) sweet and reddish in color.
On my last visit to the neighborhood greengrocer I bought 1.5 kilo giant yellowish green pears with some red cheeks.
Pears for jam making have to be firm and hard, then the pectin content will be higher than a fruit at its peak ripeness, also at the same time we'll strengthen the jam with pectin that we'll make from the pears seeds and skins.
Peel the pears, keep the skins and put them in a pot.
Now cut the pears, and remove the pits and the cores, also put them in the same pot.
Let's cook everything (without the pears) with lemon peel together for a few minutes, filter the liquids and keep them for cooking the jam.
Boil the cooking liquids with the chopped pears and lemon juice in a pot until the fruit softens.
Add the sugar and mix.
Cook the jam until it gets a reddish and passes the plate test, the cooking time will be about an 1 hour.
Pear jam - the recipe
1.5 kilo pears
peel from one lemon
2 measuring cups water
3 measuring spoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
600 grams sugar
A pot with a capacity of about 4 liters with a thick bottom
Peel the pears and remove the core, put the skins and cores of the fruit in a pot.
Add 2 cups of water and the lemon peel to the pot, bring to a boil.
Cook on a moderate flame for 10-12 minutes.
Meanwhile, cut the pears into small pieces, not too small.
Filter the contents of the pot, return the cooking liquids to the pot (discard the skins and cores of the fruit), add the pears and lemon juice to the pot.
Cook on a medium flame until the fruit softens.
Add the sugar to the pot, stir over a low flame until it melts.
Bring to a boil, cook on a medium flame until the jam is red and ready according to the plate test.

Chanita Harel© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו
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