* Cheese Danish Pastries (Delkelekh) *

Hungarian cuisine is well known here with wonderful and delicacy dishs ..I've found this hungarian(sorry or Danish?) recipe in an old post by slashfood- First published on the New York Times’ dining section , few months ago.The dough is fine, made by my mixer, and was refrigerated overnight and more -until today's afternoon; By mistake ..I didn't gave the dough to rest for 30 minutes.. ; I cut smaller squares so I've gut 18 pastries."Pick up corners of each square and press points together" - Yes do this better then I did ..some are open now.. ; No rising is needed.Here you can find a step by step recipe - great ! I love them ! :-)
Cheese Danish Pastries (Delkelekh) Adapted From Mindel Appel
Time: About an hour plus overnight refrigeration
1 tablespoon yeast (I use 1 TB instant dry yeast)1/3 cup milk, at room temperature
2 large eggs, at room temperature
6 tablespoons unsalted butter, at room temperature שמתי מאה גרם
½ cup sour cream שמתי יוגורט
1/3 cup sugar
½ teaspoon salt
3 cups all-purpose flour, sifted (I added more flour)For the filling:
12 ounces farmer’s cheese =336 gr כנען
1/3 cup sour cream שמתי יוגורט
1/3 cup sugar
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 large egg yolk (I use 1 egg)Finely grated zest of 1 lemon
For assembly:Flour, for dusting1 large egg mixed with 1 tablespoon waterConfectioners’ sugar, optional.
1. For the dough: In bowl of an electric mixer, combine yeast and milk and allow to sit for a few minutes. Stir in eggs, butter, sour cream, sugar, salt and flour. Mix well until dough turns into a ball. Transfer to a covered container and allow to rest for 30 minutes, then refrigerate overnight.
2. For the filling: In bowl of an electric mixer, combine farmer’s cheese, sour cream, sugar, flour, vanilla, egg yolk and lemon zest. Mix well. Transfer to a covered container and refrigerate until needed, up to 24 hours.
3. For assembly: Preheat oven to 350 degrees, and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Lightly dust a work surface with flour and roll out dough into a rectangle 1/8 inch thick. Cut into 4-by-4-inch squares. Spoon about 1 tablespoon filling into center of each square. Pick up corners of each square and press points together.
4. Arrange pastries on baking sheets about 1½ inches apart. Brush with egg mixture. Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Allow to cool and serve as is or sprinkle with confectioners’ sugar.
Yield: About 24 pastries. Full recipe.

הי חנית - ראיתי את זה בעתון גם כן אבל עוד לא היתה לי את ההזדמנות להכין אותם. רואה שלא צריך עכשיו כי את כבר עשית אותם בשבילי
איזה מין גבינה השתמשת? רוצה לעשות אותם השבוע אני חושב
זה מתכון מוצלח, ששמרתי כמה חתיכות בפריזר, אבל גם זה נגמר
שמתי גבינת כנען, שזו גבינה רזה ויבשה, ללא נוזלים,יותר קשה מריקוטה,אני מקוה שיש לך משהו כזה או דומה, באיזה עיתון ראית.. זה מעניין כי אני לא ראיתי..
These recipes look so incredibly yummy. I'll be trying this one out. I also LOVE the colorful pictures on your blog! I'm bookmarking to come back later.
Dear texas mom Hi and Shalom ,
Thank you So much you're Welcome !! :)
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