A Turkish Pide Bread is in my kitchen... now ! Nothing more and nothing less, then - a wonderful Bread ! ; My mixer kneaded this dough for 10 minutes , then I let it rise for 1 hour (not for 2 hours) , it was so smooth and elastic , I found myself playing with the dough for minutes...
I've baked the Pida Bread for less then is written in the recipe, Only 15-17 minutes were needed in my oven. After cooling the dough for minutes, I've sliced it.. it is soft and full of taste !The recipe was found in Mina's Blog the : Teatime Blog.So I want to thank Mine for this recipe and for sharing with us all her tasty recipes !

I've baked the Pida Bread for less then is written in the recipe, Only 15-17 minutes were needed in my oven. After cooling the dough for minutes, I've sliced it.. it is soft and full of taste !The recipe was found in Mina's Blog the : Teatime Blog.So I want to thank Mine for this recipe and for sharing with us all her tasty recipes !
2 tsp (7g/1 sachet) dried yeast
1/2 tsp caster sugar
250ml (1 cup) lukewarm water
450g (3 cups) unbleached plain flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbs olive oil
2 tbs natural yoghurt
Plain flour, to dust
Olive oil, extra, to grease
1 egg, lightly whisked
2 tsp sesame seeds
Combine yeast, sugar and 2 tbs of the water in a small bowl, and stir until yeast dissolves.
Set aside in a warm, draughtfree place for 10 minutes or until frothy.
Sift flour and salt into a large bowl.
Make a well in the centre and add the remaining water, oil, yoghurt and yeast mixture.
Use a wooden spoon to stir until combined, then use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.
Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
Brush a large bowl with oil to lightly grease.
Place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat in oil.
Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draughtfree place to prove for 2 hours or until dough has doubled in size.
Preheat oven to 230°C. Punch down the centre of the dough with your fist.
Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 2-3 minutes or until dough has returned to its original size.
Divide into 2 equal portions and shape each portion into a 15 x 30cm rectangles. Place on 2 non-stick baking trays and press with fingers to indent surface. Brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Loosely cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draught-free place to prove for 20 minutes or until dough has risen 1-2cm.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until pide is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the base.
Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
Cut into slices and serve with dips. Full recipe is Here
1/2 tsp caster sugar
250ml (1 cup) lukewarm water
450g (3 cups) unbleached plain flour
1 tsp salt
2 tbs olive oil
2 tbs natural yoghurt
Plain flour, to dust
Olive oil, extra, to grease
1 egg, lightly whisked
2 tsp sesame seeds
Combine yeast, sugar and 2 tbs of the water in a small bowl, and stir until yeast dissolves.
Set aside in a warm, draughtfree place for 10 minutes or until frothy.
Sift flour and salt into a large bowl.
Make a well in the centre and add the remaining water, oil, yoghurt and yeast mixture.
Use a wooden spoon to stir until combined, then use your hands to bring the dough together in the bowl.
Turn dough onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic.
Brush a large bowl with oil to lightly grease.
Place the dough in the bowl and turn to coat in oil.
Cover with plastic wrap and set aside in a warm, draughtfree place to prove for 2 hours or until dough has doubled in size.
Preheat oven to 230°C. Punch down the centre of the dough with your fist.
Turn onto a lightly floured surface and knead for 2-3 minutes or until dough has returned to its original size.
Divide into 2 equal portions and shape each portion into a 15 x 30cm rectangles. Place on 2 non-stick baking trays and press with fingers to indent surface. Brush with egg and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Loosely cover with plastic wrap and place in a warm, draught-free place to prove for 20 minutes or until dough has risen 1-2cm.
Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes or until pide is golden brown and sounds hollow when tapped on the base.
Remove from oven and place on a wire rack to cool.
Cut into slices and serve with dips. Full recipe is Here
Source : Australian Good Taste - October 2004 , Page 58 -Recipe by Rodney Dunn
לשתי כיכרות גדולות, שנפרסות דק- לחם מעולה, מומלץ בחום
שתי כפיות שמרים יבשים=7 גרם שמרים יבשים
חצי כפית אבקת סוכר
מאתיים חמישים מ"ל מים פושרים=כוס אחת
שתי כפיות שמרים יבשים=7 גרם שמרים יבשים
חצי כפית אבקת סוכר
מאתיים חמישים מ"ל מים פושרים=כוס אחת
ארבע מאות וחמישים גרם קמח רגיל
כפית מלח
שתי כפות שמן זית
שתי כפות יוגורט
ביצה טרופה למריחה +שתי כפיות שומשום לזריה
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להתפיח כ-20 דקות-אני התפחתי כ-30 דקות עד שהתנור היה חם מספיק.הבצק למעשה צריך לתפוח בס"מ או שניים. לאפות בתנור החם 15 עד 20 דקות, עד שהלחמים זהובים טוב טוב
לקרר על רשת ולפרוס דק. ניתן להגיש עם מטבלים ועם כל דבר שאתם אוהבים
Chanita Harel© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו התפרסם היום בבלוג האוכל של חניתה הראל ורן This content belongs to Chanita Harel at My Mom’s Recipes And More. All writing and photography copyright © 2005-2010 unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.http://momsrecipesandmore.blogspot.com
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