My Garden... הגינה שלנו הקטנה

HOT PEPPER & MINT IN THE SUNפלפל חריף .. ונענע

Geranium גרניום באדום

YOUNG ..HOT PEPPER צמח פלפל חריף צעיר..

Lemon - Verbenaלימונית- לואיזה צמח בריאות לתה

-קישורים על גינון וגם על פורטולקה - רגלת הגינה
More to read about "Herbs, Spices & Seasonings"
Chanit, the "unknown BEAUTY" is called "portulaca" in English. Now you have to find the Hebrew name for it! ;) My parents have it all around their balcony, too! ;)
Thanks, fethiye !
Can you believe?..I can't find this flower's name in hebrew, but Google images gives nice results,I'll ask here in a gardening forum.
Have you any picture of your parents balcony? :-)
hey chanit; no, unfortunately i do not have pics from there and I am way too far away -- in fact you are closer to them!
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