I've never eat Farina Bread before, I even don't think you can buy any here, in Israel, but 'talking' about this kind of Bread in one of the Israeli food forums made me very curious.. I couldn't wait to find stones... but which one? someone gave me an advise to use the same natural stones you can find near the sea or somewhere in the negev.. or to buy some , in the same place you buy your flowerpots /seedling .. so I received there stones and now I have some new flowers around.. I've washed the stones, boiled them..to be sure they are clean for baking the Farina Bread.This recipes is very easy, let the dough rise time after time ..you'll get 4 breads ,larger then pita bread, just let you know :not all farin's have holes in... please be careful with the stones, they become very very hot in the hot oven, and they're still very warm long time after it.another thing to remember :you can't bake with any stone, one stone in my oven was broken, whill baking.. :-( maybe this stone was another sort of stone ,not like the other pebbles. OK, now, what about the Farina taste?... all those stones around and under gave the Bread a very nice shape, please take a look at the bottoms.We like the Farina, eating every piece with olive oil or without nothing else...

Recipe: Moroccan Bread on Stones: Farina/Posted by : Ruth Heiges לחם פרינה מרוקאי
Nira Rousso's recipe (Haaretz Guide, 7 Nov. '97) from
a new book in Hebrew, "Good Food Guide to Israel." She recommends
this for Shabbat meal or breakfast."
"I have no idea why this is called farina. I found no reference
in any of my cookbooks. [I can say I've never seen a recipe which
starts quite like this.] "
Gather stones the size of eggs, enough for one layer in a baking
1 kilo/2.2 lb. flour (preferably bread flour) I use AP flour
3-4 cups of water (I use 3 cups only)
50 grams/1.8 oz. yeast (I use 50 fresh yeast)1 Tablespoon salt
1 Tablespoon sugar
H O W1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and gradually add the
water as you work.
2. When you have a soft dough, put it on a floured board or counter and wait 10 minutes until the dough becomes very soft, flexible, and a bit sticky.
3. Shape the dough into a ball. Roll in flour, cover with a cloth and leave standing for one hour, until the dough doubles in volume. Punch the dough down again, kneading the edges back into the center for three minutes. 4. Shape back into a ball, cover with a cloth and let stand for half an hour.
5. Knead again, folding edges back to the center again. For even better results, do this again after another half hour.
6. Put the stones in a baking pan and heat at maximum temperature for half an hour.
7. Divide the dough in four, flatten each quarter between your hands to about one centimeter/half inch in thickness, and place on heated stones. You may brush a beaten egg on top, for a golden crust.
8. Bake 15-20 minutes, until the bread is a golden brown.
Full recipe is Here

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Those flowers are beautiful!
I just wanted to inform you that (Wallis/Valais) is in Switzerland, although the recipe is featured on a German site...
Chanit, these farina breads look amazing and i think i would have eaten them with nothing else.. although olive oil on such a crumb.. yummy!! The wonderful holes you get in the crumb are all because of the way the dough is worked: kneaded, rested then fold again and again trapp a maximum of air and form these gorgeous bubbles (and with a wetter dough you would have had more holes). Now i can't wait to find the stones to try it!! Thanks!
Hi jeff ! I like Bougainvilleas very very much, you can find them here everywhere in few colors, I think they are pretty even when they are dried :-)
rosa ,
Thank for the information about the Wallis/Valais dish ! I love ' Eintopf' dishes, and this one looks good ;)
avital Hi !!!
Thank you, this Farina Bread is realy good, the outside is crispy, and inside is soft, but not too soft, I've baked the bread with AP flour, not with bread flour, do you think it will make any difference with bread flour?
I have to thank you one more time !- I wasn't sure the holes are Ok..I was thinking something is wrong with the way I've make it..
thanks for visiting me + Waiting for your Bread !!! ;) :-)
I like the Farina Bread, now I'm also looking to find some stones. ;-)
Thanks zorra , I'm waiting to see yours ;-)
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