I have a New Kenwood Mixer !!
After years and years of Bread baking I just was tired of kneading my dough by hand, and mixing my cakes by hand, and my cookies...the same way.. So I was looking for a new electric mixer. My old one (I've gut him 2 years ago from my younger sister- and she gut him.. years before-never mind ..) was pretty nice but not strong enough for kneading a bread dough.I didn't know which EL. mixer will be the best for me ; I asked for any advise here in 2 Israeli food forums... 50% of the answers were: "buy kenwood", the other 50% told me to buy kitchenaid..not too much choices, here in Israel... so last month when I've celebrated my birthday.. my family wanted to buy me a very BIG present:a new electric mixer, "but choose the one you want..", last week after readind/asking/indecision .. my decision was :I want a Kenwood ! Is he pretty? - I think he is ,born in Italy in 2006 and he is my very new electric mixer(Keny..) and ... here is my old electric mixer (sorry -Paul my dear..)- Today was the first use.. my first dough made by my new El. mixer ; It was so easy , so quick ! and now I can rest .. I'll come bake with the baked Bread !
Water, sugar and yeast. then flour (dark and Bread flour), and salt, olive oil.. that's all. We love this Bread !

After 1 minute

After 1 minute

2 minutes later..

1 hour later

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היי חנית
שוב תתחדשי, הוא באמת חתיך!!!!!!!!!!
בטוחה שתכיני איתו מאפים נהדרים, כמו תמיד
שבוע טוב
Your "Ken" is wonderful! Me too, I'd like to buy such a machine and I am between Kenwood and Kitchenaid like you.
Your Bread looks gorgeous!
Have a lot of fun with your new machine and show us a lot of new recipes!
Your bread looks gorgeous!
Your family is very kind to offer you such a great machine...
Happy baking, then!!!
Chanit, I agree, Kenwood mixer is one of the products they have. It makes life so easy. I bet you will use yours to the full.
Bread looks nice. Any possibility of a photo after it has been sliced? :)
Wow, what a gorgeous looking bread! Congratulation for your new kitchen helper - as you perhaps know I also own a kenwood :-) Happy New Year!
Wow, it looks so sexy with the silver. I have a Kenwood too, got it as a gift when I had my son 19 years ago. It's still going strong but I don't use it as much as you will use yours! I can't believe you made all those wonderful things by hand.
Don't worry about your choice, those brands are the top ones even outside Israel and both are good. It's like food processors - KitchenAid and Cuisinart both have advantages and disadvantages.
I loved the bread I bought in Israel. As good as homemade. Enjoy your Kenwood and have many delicious breads.
תודה רבה סימונה
אגב ממתינה לראות יצירותייך עם הנשר שהגיע מרחוק ,לא הייתי מתנגדת לאחד...:-)
dolce thank you !
I hope I've made the right choice ;I'm still learning how to use my machine ,(there is a 1.5 liter liquidiser and a multi food grinder too) .. there will be an update in a few weeks or sooner :-)
Thank you rosa !
I'm learning my new machine step by step.. :-)
dr ve thru hi and welcome !
Thank you , here is the sliced Bread ..(the pic. isn't perfect ) ;-)
Chanit, wow, it's lovely. I should try to make it but it requires two kind of flour, right? Thanks for meeting my request, really appreciate it.
That's it Chanit, now fill that mixer bowl with a 20 pound bag of flour and lets serve an army. Now you give the orders to that machine and say "work my dough you little electric machine!hurry hurry!".
Good choice! Have fun with Keny! ;-)
Thank you and all the best !! ;)
Thank you , I'm very glad ! I use this mixer every day.. (I worked too hard with kneading /mixing..for years)
Thank you anonymous and welcome !
I know that Bread Is it The Israeli 'black Bread' ? 'Lechem shahor '
dr ve thru ,
Yes 2 kind of flour ;) I hope you'll love it ;)
roberto dear,
How did you know? were you here ?
Kenny helps me everyday .. ;)
Thank you zorra
I will .. ! ;-)
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