Here are some more of Dan's recipes I love:
1.Foccacia Genovese - recipe 2. Simple milk loaf - recipe
3. Chelsea buns - recipe
4. Cucumber pickle juice rye Bread - recipe 5. Light rye flatbread - recipe 6. Chocolate custard muffins - recipe 7. Orange almond butter biscuits -recipe and there will be more recipes ! :-)
Lemon drizzle cake
50ml sunflower oil
finely grated zest 2 lemons
90ml lemon juice
150g caster sugar
2 large eggs
50g ground almonds
150g plain flour
2 tbsp (20g) cornflour
2 1/2 tsp baking powder
75g icing sugar
Full recipe :Dan lepard's Forum

Italian made -How to play with your food
קרקרים מקמח 100%מלא -תמונות והמתכון :פה coming soon:Thin wheat crackers
Chanit.H© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו.התפרסם היום בבלוג האוכל של חנית ורן
UPDATED: Jan 4, 00:31-Second Stage of Operation Cast Lead Begins /dover.idf אתר דובר צה"לHere is the video "15 Seconds in Sderot"
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