Do you have more than 100 Romanian Walnut Crescents in your kitchen?.."- OK, I'm coming ... Yes I have more than that.. and they are realy good; The dough is crispy and it was very easy to roll it, fold every 5x5 cm square into a small crescent. I've made the dough last night,and It was taken out of the frige 1 hour before rolling it.If you're not sure you need 120 crescents ,bake only half ...I'll try this dough filled with Turkish Delight like my grandma did years ago ..
Romanian Walnut Crescents
from " Our Immigrant Ancestors" Cookbook by Jeff Smith ,recipe taken from Rosey's Recipe Page
1 8-ounce package Philadelphia cream cheese, room temperature
16 tablespoons, (2 sticks) butter or margarine, room temperature
1 egg
1 tablespoon sugar
6 cups all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup plus 3 tablespoons cold waterFilling:4 tablespoons butter( or margarine )
1/2 pound walnuts, ground
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
confectioner's sugar Dough:
Put cream cheese and butter in a bowl with the egg, sugar, flour, salt and water. mix well. roll the dough into a log, 10 inches long. wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate the dough for at least 1 hour. (I've made the dough last night)Working with 1/4 of the dough at a time, place it on a floured countertop, turning it over to cat well so that it does not stick.
roll the dough out very thin.
Using a pastry or pizza cutter(It's a great idea to use your Pizza cutter !), cut the dough into 2x2 inch squares.
In a saucepan, place the butter, ground nuts, sugar, and milk and cook until thick, stirring to prevent sticking. add the vanilla. cool slightly before using on the dough.
Place 1/2 teaspoon filling on each square, using the back of a teaspoon to spread it. roll up the square diagonally, from one corner to the opposite corner, or from one side to the opposite side.
form either into a crescent shape, or leave it straight and place the filled dough on an ungreased cookie sheet.
bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated 350 oven until the cookies are light brown.
Sprinkle with confectioner's sugar immediately. let cool. more powdered sugar can be added later.
You can freeze these
Full recipe
More Romanian recipes +Here + Transylvanian Desserts (good recipes in this Link) + Rumanian Sarmale (stuffed vegetables) + salad by Jeff Smith+more recipes in this link [the Frugal Gourmet] + about Jeff Smith + The Frugal Gourmet's Basic Tiramisu + Madras curry/frugal gourmet + A Frugal Gourmet .
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סהרוני אגוזים- הערות:הבצק מצויין כייפי לעיבוד ,גילגול
ואפיה.השתמשתי בחבילה אחת של גבינת פילדלפיה מיובאת, הבצק נלוש בחלקו במיקסר ובחלקו ידנית, אוחסן ללילה שלם במקרר ולא שעה כפי שכתוב, אבל הוצאתי אותו מקרור כשעה לפני הרידוד.הכמויות מדוייקות הן של הבצק והן של המלית.גם הפעם עבדתי עם סרגל וכל רבע בצק רידדתי דק למלבן בגודל 30 על 25 ס"מ וחתכתי ריבועים קטנים של חמישה סנטימטר כל אחד,שימוש בחותכן פיצה לחיתוך הבצק התגלה כמצויין, נסו גם- צריך לאמץ את הגלגלת בכל בצק שניתן.כל רבע בצק מילא תבנית גדולה של התנור, אפיתי 20 עד 22 דקות.אז יש בערך 120 סהרוני אגוזים רומניים.. וחלקם הוקפא בשקית רוכסן גדולה.הבצק פריך מאוד ואני רוצה לנסות למלאו בפיסות קטנות של רחת לוקום. מומלץ
Chanita Harel© כל הזכויות שמורות על תכנים ותמונות שלנו התפרסם היום בבלוג האוכל של חניתה הראל ורן This content belongs to Chanita Harel at My Mom’s Recipes And More. All writing and photography copyright © 2005-2010 unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.
Nice recipe Chanit. Viji
It's a wonderful recipe! Thanks for tagging me to "Five things about me"! Must I tagg another five blogers?
Thanks for visiting ! :-)
Thanks for your comment,
This Meme like all others are up to your choice, you can answer the 5 questions as you wish to, or not - as you like, It's not a must to tagg 5 others,but I think It's nice to learn more about friends of this wonderful Food community .;-)
Chanit, these look lovely! I love doughs with cream cheese. It creates such a wonderful texture and taste. Yum!
I think the gnocchi board is not really necesary Chanit, try to shape them with a fork, that's the way I shape those potatoe genetics decendents.
Thanks chris ! :-)
It's NOT the same..I'm shaping them with a fork but they can be more pretty.. :-) thanks !
I am from Romania. Congratulations for this recipe :)
Dear Daciana
Thank you you're Welcome !
I'm glad to see you here, please write me more - do you have a cooking Blog or site ?
Thanks for visiting, please come back
Chanit :)
Hi, very good recipe, congratulation, my mom is romanian.
Hi dear Yafa !
Thank you , my mom came from romania too , nice to meet you and your food Blog :)
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