It's her first Blog-Baroness tapuzina writes:"..Most of this website will be about my food adventures, but I will also share the beauty of my country.
Israel is a country of contrasts. We have the mountains and forests in the North... "She will show you her home that she loves.
Hiam restaurant ,or better known here in Israel as "Nabila restaurant", is a lebanese restaurant in Tel Aviv st. in Haifa-just close to the Bahais garden [for Hebrew]. This arabic restaurant is famous here with a variety of Stuffed vegetables .The food is freshly made by the same family,the owners of this place for years.This photo is a small sample I've got from my son, yummy ! :-)

English recipes were found in a Rumanian food forum ! ..yesterday I was looking for a special cake recipe in a rumanian food site,it is the culinar.ro site.My mom told me about a very special cake recipe she found there -it was few weeks ago, but the link could not be saved..so I coudn't find the cake recipe again :-( -- BUT the good thing is that I found there a very active food forum , with recipes, step by step pictures and much more, left is a recipe for butter knots from that forum . [please take a look at all those "Dulciuri"-for all the sweet things.. :-)]
Tahini cookies
I was asked by Maria (here in the last comment) about the tahini cookies, I'm sorry for my late answer, but I wanted to bake the cookies , one more time today to understand what get wrong.the recipe is correct.
* I use 2 sets of measuring cups, one is for liquids,the other cups are for the flour, sugar...; This measuring cup measures:1 cup flour=140 gr flour. 1 cup sugar = 200 gr sugar.. so maybe there was a use of a bigger cup?
in the same sort of cup that you measure the flour, measure the 1/2 cup of the tahini.
* Please don't over bake these cookies, 15 minutes are the best, maybe 1 or 2 minutes more. they will not become golden or brown, and I think with more baking time , you'll get crumbles. The cookies bottoms will become brown after 15-17 minutes, at 325F.
* Leave the cookies in the baking dish to cool, for few minutes.[otherwise you'll ger crumbles]
* Today I've made the cookies smaller (above pic), so I've gut more than 80 cookies !! - they are small like buttons, so we call them buttons ...
Call these cookies as you whish just know they taste like halva and they're the most easy ever...:-)
The best halve in Israel - soon
חלווה, מאה אחוז של שומשום טהור.בימים האחרונים התארגנה קבוצת חברים מפורום האוכל של וואלה וסיירה במפעל החלווה שבנצרת. הועלו לרשת תמונות המתארות את תהליך הייצור המתחיל בשקי השומשום הכבירים ועד -קופסאות החלווה מגוונות הטעם הנודעות בטעמן המשובח.הסבר על תהליך הייצור ניתן לקרוא פה+ תמונות ניתן לראות שם בפורום.מכיון שקיבלתי חוות דעת משפחתית חיובית ביותר על טיב המוצר שאני לא טעמתי , ברצוני ליצור קשר עם המפעל המייצר ולברר לגבי נקודות מכירה בפריסה ארצית, שיהיה קרוב לבית. עידכון יגיע מקוה שבקרוב
אתרים שימושיים מאת ד"ר שמואל אבן-זהר
Hi Chanit,
I have made these cookies many, many times and they are always perfect. They are really wonderful, so thank you again for this recipe. I had translated the measurements in grams, here they are--they work eveytime :)
113 g butter
100 g sugar
5 ml vanilla
120 g tahini
142 g flour
2,5 g baking powder
יופי של בלוג!
manuela dear
I'm glad to see you here,
Thank you ! your comment was very useful.
Everyone here loves these cookies , making them smaller is better(now you can eat more then one ..):-)
ברוכה הבאה ותודה על התגובה
Hello Chanit
i wish i knew hebrew...!!!
i'm portuguese and i would love to make these knots. Can you put the recipe in English, pls.
thank you
Dear dora
thanks for your comment and welcome,
the recipe for thses butter knots is in english -in the knots picture,
please let me know if you like them :-)
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