Do you remember the McCall's Cooking School recipes?... I do !
I've found this recipe for the Philadelphia Sticky Buns taken from the McCall's Magazine *- April 1981- the step by step recipes section, waiting there in my old yellow classeur for me .. so many years...
Last night , I took that classeur to bed.. even I was sleepy.. When I found this recipe - I waked up and knew - This will be my next try .. :-)
The Philadelphia Sticky Buns are small, but not too small, they are golden brown, soft and smell So good, and yes they are Sticky as they should be .. ;The trick that makes these (12) buns sticky is to invert the baking pan after baking [baking time:25-30 minutes at 375F] , yes, I'm sure the butter-sugar spead helps to make them sticky and shining .My family says it's more like a yeast cake ...and they like to eat it with a good cup of coffee [best eaten fresh and warm]
But as a Pennsylvania Dough treat ,it's wonderful for any time of the day, enen now for me.. ; please feel free to enlarge evey picture you like to .. :-)
The yeast dough is made of:
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 ts salt
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup warm water
1 pkg activ dry yeast (I use 2 ts= 7gr)
1 egg
2 1/2 cups AP flour
For the filling:
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup raisins
1/2 ts cinnamon
For spreading the pan (9x9 inch):
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup light brown sugar
1/2 cup pecans or walnuts (I use less)
* Read more about McCall's Magazine ,which was One of the most famous of the American women's magazines [I can't link to wikipedia , maybe the link is broken]
סטיקי באנס - לחמניות נוסח פילדלפיה
שליש כוס חלב
רבע כוס סוכר
חצי כפית מלח
חמישים גרם חמאה
רבע כוס מים חמימים
שתי כפיות שמרים יבשים
ביצה אחת
שתיים וחצי כוסות קמח רגיל
חמישים גרם חמאה, רכה
חצי כוס סוכר חום
חצי כוס צימוקים
חצי כפית קינמון
למריחה על התבנית , ריבועית קטנה בגודל 22 ס"מ
חמישים גרם חמאה
רבע כוס סוכר זהוב
חצי כוס אגוזים
שליש כוס חלב
רבע כוס סוכר
חצי כפית מלח
חמישים גרם חמאה
רבע כוס מים חמימים
שתי כפיות שמרים יבשים
ביצה אחת
שתיים וחצי כוסות קמח רגיל
חמישים גרם חמאה, רכה
חצי כוס סוכר חום
חצי כוס צימוקים
חצי כפית קינמון
למריחה על התבנית , ריבועית קטנה בגודל 22 ס"מ
חמישים גרם חמאה
רבע כוס סוכר זהוב
חצי כוס אגוזים
Gorgeous pictures of yumminess...thanks!
Thank you sherry for your comment :-)
Oh, McCall's... I think they have been reduced to just McCall's patterns (or Butterick magazine). These look yummy! I wonder what makes them "Philadelphia?" :)
I'm glad I found your blog through Tastespotting! Those sticky buns look pretty awesome. Thanks for all the step-by-step pics too!
Yummy...I would love a couple of those with some hot coffee!!!
Absolutely yummy! your buns look perfect!
Hi Manggy ,
Nice to meet you !
When I found these Buns recipe, I looked for McCall's web site, and got only the patterns site too,alas
I realy don't know about their origin.. or why the Magazine gave them that name ..
Thanks for visiting and thanks for your comment :-)
חנית...הסטיקי הזה...ניראה פשוט משגע!! אהבתי את החלוקה לריבועים ריבועים עם האגוז מעל..פשוט יפיפה..אם היו לי אגוזים..עכשיו הייתי מסתערת!
Thank you Hillary
I'm glad to see you here,
I know about the Tastespotting only for few months , and I love that site, a great source for Food-Art and recipes.. !
Thanks for visiting :-)
הי מרילין
כמה כייף לי לראותך כאן
האמת שגם אני הייתי קצרה באגוזים, כי בדיעבד צריך לכסות את כל התחתית באגוזים,יותר ממה שששמתי.זו בעצם לחמניה תפוחה מתקתקה ומפנקת. עכשיו יש לי בתכנון מאפה גבינה מגזיר עיתון אחר, לא פחות ישן
תודה שביקרת ועוד יותר שכתבת לי תגובה
can you please send me complete directions? Or am I missing them somewhere on the page? Thank you.
Rosemarie Cinelli Bakshis
It has been our family tradition for many years to serve these Sticky Buns on Christmas morning. Even when we lived overseas, our boys eagerly anticipated this touch of home. My paper recipe, torn out of an already old McCall's magazine did not survive. Thank you for bringing this recipe to light again.
They are called "Philadelphia sticky buns" because in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (US) and surrounding New Jersey cities, bakeries make these heavenly buns. They are as different from Cinnabun's and the like as can be -no white creamy strussel-like topping - instead, these generally square buns are topped by a sticky, carmely, chewy, oh-so-gooey brown glaze. Inside, the danish-like cake has raisins and nuts and cinnamon. Served warm they are amazing. As a young teen I used to buy half-a-dozen (stuck together) from "Bucky's Buns" (a small hole-in-the-wall bakery by the elevated train station), and eat two or three of them on my way home. If this recipe is even close to Bucky's, heaven awaits.
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