Yes, and thanks.. Passover is over now.. the good thing was to have more free days, waking up later..doing what I want to do in my time, going to my work place for only few hours , not for a full day.. the weather is fine now, I wish the spring could stay forever ..
The bad thing .. is to know the summer is coming soon. And thanks for asking.. I don't like the summer in Israel ,even I was born here,every year comes that moist and sweaty summer...But, am I complaining?..Sure I'm not :-)
2 more sites were added today to my "New Site I Love" list :
* David lebovitz site - do I need to write more about his site ? - just go and enjoy youself !
* C For Cooking, I think this guy with his wife cook great dishes ! * Ms. Glaze's Pommes d'Amour will soon be added to that List !* Wine Of The Times
* Recipe: Beet Salad with Goat Cheese Mousse and Walnut Vinaigrette !
* Recipe
: Artichokes, 2 Ways + Artichoke Salad with Lemon Vinaigrette The bad thing .. is to know the summer is coming soon. And thanks for asking.. I don't like the summer in Israel ,even I was born here,every year comes that moist and sweaty summer...But, am I complaining?..Sure I'm not :-)
2 more sites were added today to my "New Site I Love" list :
* David lebovitz site - do I need to write more about his site ? - just go and enjoy youself !
* C For Cooking, I think this guy with his wife cook great dishes ! * Ms. Glaze's Pommes d'Amour will soon be added to that List !* Wine Of The Times
* Recipe: Beet Salad with Goat Cheese Mousse and Walnut Vinaigrette !
* Recipe
* Recipe :Whisky & Hazelnut Chocolate Pots
* Michal A. from Ynet Food Forum is making wonderful sweets for the Mimuna [PPS File]
* Michal A. from Ynet Food Forum is making wonderful sweets for the Mimuna [PPS File]
* Wonderful sweets .. Here
* fresh homemade ricotta - Recipe
* Caesar salad - Here
* Is this McDonald's ? - The link is Here

Perfect Pastry: The Fine Art of Sweet and Savoury Pastry-Making , a new cake from this Cookbook

Bake the the dough for 10 minutes...

Hi Chanit, I just discovered your blog via a comment you left on David's...I can't wait to explore it more! Are there other Israeli food blogs out there that you know about?
Hi hilla and Welcome !
I love your Hebrew name ,
I don't know about more Israeli food Blogs in English, [there are few in Hebrew]
Thanks for your comment ;)
That is a beautiful flower...such a nice relaxing way to come to your blog :)
Thanks Jeff, I'm glad :-)
This orchid is my mom's ,
She gave them few hours of sun, rainwater and LOVE,and she gets more and more new flowers..
I can understand that the summer in Israel might be quite tiring; if I were you, I would also be suffering! Here, in Switzerland (Geneva especially) we have hot and very humid (nearly tropical!) summers and I generally suffocate....
By the way, you food always looks so yummy!...
Hi rosa,
The spring is still here, with 'stange' weather,rain in april.. winds... but the temperature is fine ,23C (not outside), the nights are cool..
And thanks for the compliment ! ;)
* My mom just told me, yesterday, that your Blog is very pretty
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