I have a bright new (and yellow) kitchen helper now.
It's a 48x38 cm silicone pastry board .Large enough for rolling evey pastry , too big for my oven.you can bake on this board or if you buy the smaller one it will fit your oven-up to 230 C . [made by tescoma]. It's an excellent product:
It sticks to your table, prevents the sticking of dough and pastry, easy to clean and store.This flexible board is provided with a grid (in cm) for easy measuring of the dough. משטח סיליקון צהוב לאפיה ורידוד-קניה מוצלחת-84 ש"ח בעדן טבע מרקטSo.. I was playing with this board last week, and 4 times yesterday.
You can find it in yellow, red , grey or brown (I like the red and yellow most )
My first try was with sugar cookies- here ,on left, a simple recipe but with a different taste .
Sugar Cookies - the recipe עוגיות סוכר טעימות להפליא
125 gr butter,softened חמאה
125 gr sugar סוכר
1 egg ביצה
250 gr AP flour קמח
2.5 gr baking powder אבקת אפיה
For the coffee icing:
1 small egg ביצה קטנה או חצי ביצה
1-2 ts instant coffee powder נס קפה
H o w:
Cream butter and sugar. add the egg and continue beating.sift together the flour and baking powder, then add to the dough. beat until the dough is soft and smooth.refrigerate about 15 minutes.roll out and cut with cookie cutter (6-7cm each cookie.
mix the instant coffee with the beaten egg until dissolves; brush the cookies with this glaze , bake for 10-15 minutes at 355F - 180C. cool on a rack.
We love these cookies , I hope you'll love them too.
My second try was making again these arabic bagels [here is the recipe]
It was very easy rolling the balls on this yellow board, without any need for flour around !
These bagels are best eaten fresh or can be frozen for few weeks.
On the next day I've got a small and sweet Note : "eat your sandwich early .. you've got cheese inside !"
So, after few hours at work I decided I need a short break.. here comes a BIG , yes very big surprise !
Take a look below, in the large photo is my opened sandwich, made by Ran:full with tomatoes, fresh basil, olive oil and mozzarella.wow !! , this one was great ! :-)
My third try on my new and yellow board was making bread.kneading and rolling the 2 loaves.
No, not a new bread recipe this time... but the old and favorite one [here is the recipe] לחם שליש מלא מצויין-בצילום דקות לפני אפייתו- מתכון שהובא לרשת ע"י אמירה ממטעמים
It's the most easy bread recipe, very very tasty, on left is one of the unbaked loaf.
This bread has a light brown color and 30% whole wheat flour. we have here, in Isreal some sorts of this flour, so , everytime I got another taste..but always wonderful !
This weekend I've got a phone call, this time it was my dear mom, and she told me.."Dad says it's the most tasty bread ever..! " ; Yes it makes me very happy. I love giving aways breads/cakes/cookies.. to everyone I love, it's my pleasure evey time again . :-)
** A new blogging event: Sugar High Friday, and this month's SHF theme: Pudding
More information about the event and how to participate you can find at zorra's Blog- here - Thank you zorra!
I'm sorry I miss this Onion day ,my computer needs another new part ,so, must of the time he doesn't work at all (but now- he is !! and I don't want to buy a new computer,I love the old one... )-Take a look at zorra's Blog - it's an Onion celebration - I LOVE O N I O N S !! :-)
I'm happy to see that you have solved your computer problems...
Those Arabic Bagels looks gorgeous! I particularly like that pretty sandwich...
It's so great when a new gadget comes to the rescue isn't?. I got a pasta machine made by Imperia and a food grinder attachment for my kitchenaid mixer last week and I just used it for the first time to make homemade fetuccini(great results), can't wait for the raviolis!, step by step I guess. Keep cutting cookies and making breads caprese, hugs!.
היי חנית,
איפה משיגים את המשטח הזה?
Oh, a silicon board sounds great! Then you don't have to worry about how to transfer the bread/cookies to a baking sheet.
And that sandwich looks amazing. Mmm, basil.
The cookies look like "Mailänderli" a typical Swiss Christmas Cookie.
Thank you for mentioning the two events. The 2nd Onion Roundup can be seen here: http://kochtopf.twoday.net/stories/4492080/
את המשטח הזה רכשתי לאחרונה בעדן מרקט החדש, במחיר של 84 שקלים.הוא קיים בצבעים אפור כהה, חום, אדום וצהוב. רכשתי גם את הקטן יותר, שכן ניכנס לתבנית אפיה ,אבל החזרתי אותו,כי גודלו זהה לאחד שיש לי כבר ורכשתי בפריז
המשטח נצמד למשטח העבודה, גדול מכל קרש סטנדרטי, והכי כייף לרדד עליו, כי כלום לא נדבק. הסימונים של גדלים וס"מ על המשטח מסייעים לעבודת הרידוד המדוייקת. המשטח גם קל לניקוי. בקיצור כייף
תודה שאת מבקרת
Dear rosa
Today we ended our computer upgrade, I hope everything we'll work fine !
Thanks for your compliment :-)
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